When a car accident occurs, it can provide a significant shock to all involved. If an injury occurs, it can place significant stress on that person and have all sorts of ramifications.

As a car accident lawyer based here in Aspley, we have a lot of experience in this area.

Eligible car accident claims compensation claims can include pain and suffering, loss of income or earning capacity, medical expenses, and long-term considerations like nursing services, travel for medical appointments, home and vehicle modifications, retraining for employment, and legal expenses.

There can be a lot of time, hassle and money involved to make a full recovery.

The process of claiming compensation requires prompt action due to varying time limits, sometimes as short as 28 days.

As a car accident lawyer, we advise potential clients to contact us quickly to understand the specific timeframe for your case.

You’ll require a range of reports and certificates – from a police report, to a police report number to a medical certificate detailing injuries for claim submission. The duration of the claim process, from initiation to receiving compensation, generally spans one to three years, depending on factors such as the insurer involved and the injury recovery process.

We encourage car accident victims to schedule a no-obligation first appointment with us here in our Aspley offices to start the claim process.

Contact our friendly team at Morgan Clifford Legal Services, in Aspley, for all your legal issues involving car accidents – call 07 3317 8380 or use the form here. We hope to help you soon.
