The Difference Between Permanent and Temporary Visas in Australia

Australia offers a range of visas tailored to different purposes, such as tourism, work, study, and family reunification.

These visas are generally categorised into two main types: permanent and temporary visas. Understanding the differences between these two categories is essential for individuals planning to move to or visit Australia.

Temporary Visas

Temporary visas are designed for individuals who intend to stay in Australia for a limited period. These visas are generally granted for specific purposes, such as tourism, short-term work, study, or business.

Key characteristics of temporary visas include:

  1. Duration of Stay: Temporary visas allow for a stay that can range from a few weeks to several years, depending on the visa type. For example, a tourist visa might permit a stay of up to three months, while a Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa can allow a stay of up to four years.
  2. Purpose-Specific: These visas are often purpose-specific. For instance, a Student Visa (Subclass 500) is for international students enrolled in a course of study, while a Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417) allows young people to work and holiday in Australia for up to a year.
  3. Limited Rights: Temporary visa holders typically have restricted rights compared to permanent residents. They may have limited access to public services, healthcare, and certain social benefits. Work rights are also often limited to specific conditions outlined in the visa.
  4. No Automatic Path to Permanent Residency: Temporary visas do not automatically lead to permanent residency. However, some temporary visa holders can apply for permanent visas after meeting specific criteria, such as gaining relevant work experience or being sponsored by an employer.

Permanent Visas

Permanent visas, on the other hand, are granted to individuals who intend to live in Australia indefinitely. These visas provide a pathway to Australian citizenship and come with a range of benefits and rights similar to those of Australian citizens.

Key characteristics of permanent visas include:

  1. Indefinite Stay: Permanent visa holders can stay in Australia indefinitely. They are also given a five-year travel facility, which allows them to leave and re-enter Australia as a permanent resident during this period.
  2. Full Rights and Benefits: Permanent residents enjoy almost all the rights and benefits of Australian citizens, including access to Medicare (Australia’s public healthcare system), social security benefits, and education. They also have the right to work without any restrictions.
  3. Pathway to Citizenship: Permanent residency is often a step towards obtaining Australian citizenship. Permanent residents can apply for citizenship after fulfilling residency requirements, such as living in Australia for four years with at least one year as a permanent resident.
  4. Family Sponsorship: Permanent residents can sponsor eligible family members for permanent residency. This includes partners, children, parents, and other relatives under certain conditions.

Examples of Permanent Visas

  • Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189): For skilled workers not sponsored by an employer, state, or family member.
  • Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186): For skilled workers nominated by an Australian employer.
  • Partner Visa (Subclass 801/820): For spouses or de facto partners of Australian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Parent Visa (Subclass 103): For parents of settled Australian citizens or permanent residents.

The Difference Between Permanent and Temporary Visas in Australia

Understanding the distinction between temporary and permanent visas is crucial for anyone considering moving to Australia.

Temporary visas provide opportunities for short-term stays with specific purposes, while permanent visas offer a long-term solution with extensive rights and benefits, including a pathway to citizenship.

Whether you are planning to study, work, or join family in Australia, knowing which visa category suits your needs will help you navigate the application process more effectively and achieve your goals in Australia.

Contact Morgan Clifford Migration Lawyers for more information and assistance with the visa application process.


    This article is intended to provide general information in summary form on legal topics, current at the time of publication, for general informational purposes only. The material may not apply to all jurisdictions. The contents do not constitute legal advice, are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should seek legal advice or other professional advice in relation to any particular matters you or your organisation may have.
